Can you provide us with a short bio on each of the main characters?
Isaac Khan: Born and raised in the village of Agalmath, Isaac is the main protagonist in the series. His parents, Diane and Dustin Khan were members of the Council chosen to protect the Diary. They fled the Council once they discovered Athalas had sold his soul to Lucifer. Isaac is now the bearer of the Diary of Lucifer.
Demetre Aliward: Isaac’s best and most loyal friend. Demetre also lost his parents on the day Isaac discovered the Diary. During their journey throughout Elysium, Demetre discovers a dark truth about himself and his own family.
Devin: He fled the hiding place of the Nephilins in Byllith, seeking refuge within the Council. Devin fights against the evil that runs through his veins since birth. He possesses the ability to communicate and command certain animal species.
Adawnas: She also sought refuge with the Council. Adawnas first encountered Isaac and Demetre on the day Devin led them to meet Athalas, the head of the Council. After discovering the Council’s dark secrets, Adawnas joined Isaac and the others on their journey.
Nephele: The first human to be turned into a Nephilin. Nephele was seduced by Mordred, a Fallen Star, and bore a Nephilin child named Duane. She is one of Lucifer’s most loyal servants. She has the ability to control and attack an enemy by striking pain throughout the body.
Writing/Book Soundtracks
On my website (http://www.thewhispersofthefallen), I created two playlists with a couple of songs that helped me overcome writer’s block. One playlist consists of songs that capture the heart and soul of characters and key moments on Whispers, while the other playlist contains some of the songs that I actually listened to during the writing process.
Playlist 1 (Writing Soundtrack)
God Particle (Angels and Demons OST) - Hans Zimmer
Captured and Tortured (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 OST) - Alexandre Desplat
Fireplace Escape (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 OST) - Alexandre Desplat
Return of the Lion (The Chronicles of Narnia) - Harry Gregson-Williams
Elysium (Gladiator) - Hans Zimmer
The Last March of the Ents (The Two Towers) - Howard Shore
Braveheart Theme - John Williams
In Noctem (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince) - Nicholas Hooper
Playlist 2 (Book Soundtrack)
Breath of Life - Florence and the Machine
Going Under - Evanescence
Seven Devils - Florence and the Machine
Already Over Pt. 2 - Red
May It Be - Enya
Knights of Cydonia - Muse
Isaac - Madonna (The lyrics are breathtaking)
Hymn for the Missing - Red
Title-The Whispers of the Fallen
By- J.D. Netto
Publication Date- November 2012
Published By- Tristar Publishing Group
Ever since the dawn of days, rumors about the Diary of Lucifer echoed throughout Elysium. Hidden from all human knowledge, the Diary was kept a secret, locked away in the small village of Agalmath.
Isaac and Demetre find themselves in a dangerous journey as they uncover the truth about the Diary and its guardians. However, for Isaac and Demetre, danger lies at every step, hidden in the most unexpected places.
Hunted by the Nephilins and the Fallen Stars, they must find others who will join them in the battle against the coming darkness.
Weariness grew inside of me. My heart was heavy and it felt as though cold air had settled in. I sensed someone watching me. When I looked behind me, I saw a dark being approaching us. I could not discern what it was because the being merged with the tree branches. After a while, not even the rain and the trees were able to hide the midnight-colored horse and its cloaked rider. The horse was fully armored; its eyes were hollow and surrounded by spike-shaped armor. The rider’s drenched cloak covered its entire body—including its head. The armor that sat on its shoulders had three spikes that stood almost as tall as his head.
The rider stopped a couple feet in front of us, still as a statue. The whisper of the trees resounded through the forest. There was so much fear coming from this one being that our surroundings seemed to dim.
About the Author-
J.D.Netto (Jorge de Oliveira Netto) is brazilian-born. Raised in Framingham, MA, J.D.Netto always had an eye for epic fantasy and story-telling. At an early age, he had the habit of locking himself in his room, turning on any soundtrack he could find, and there he would write for hours.
During his senior year in High School, J.D.Netto had an idea that changed his life, 'What if Lucifer had a Diary? What if the Diary was a secret? What if the secret was a reality?' These simple questions led him to write for six consecutive years, researching, perfecting his craft, and creating the world of Elysium. All the promotional visuals of the novel, including the cover, were designed by J.D.Netto, proving that he is not only a writer, but an innovative visual designer.
Instagram: jdnetto
Giveaway Info-
Author will be giving away four paperback books during the tour. All they have to do is "like" the official facebook page ( ) and leave a comment.
If ‘The Whispers of the Fallen’ was made into a movie and you could cast anyone you wanted, who would you choose?
If I could be the casting director for Whispers, I would cast Jeremy Sumpter as Isaac. I much enjoyed his performance on Peter Pan (2003).
I think Dylan Minnette is perfect for the role of Demetre.
I would also choose Chris Hemsworth to play Devin. He is a very talented actor.
After watching Red Riding Hood by Catherine Hardwick, I was absolutely enthralled by Amanda Seyfried’s performance. Since then, I always see her as Nephele.
I would also pick Maggie Grace for the role of Adawnas. I think she has a very natural beauty and is incredibly talented.
My Review: January 2014 ~ Review Copies ~

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
First, I would like to thank the author J.D. Netto for giving me this book in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed this book very much. The world building was very good and the characters are well developed. I look forward to reading more from this author.
View all my reviews
Girls Heart Books and J.D. Netto would like to thank you for being a part of this blog tour.