Monday, October 31, 2016

The Fool's Apprentice by Kelly Hess

The Fool's Apprentice
by Kelly Hess

Print Length: 201 pages
Publisher: Dragon Moon Press
Publication Date: September 1, 2016

In the kingdom of Dragon’s Launch, young Denrikk’s aspirations of becoming a knight are dashed when he is instead apprenticed to the king’s fool. Embarrassed and devastated that his new position will ruin all hopes of winning the hand of the girl he loves—the princess Alendria— Denrikk reluctantly begins training under his new master, Fumbles, the king’s aging fool. He quickly learns, however, that being a fool in Dragon’s Launch is much more than juggling and laughing like a hyena.

But when a shocking murder within the castle walls shakes the palace, all evidence points toward Denrikk. Now, with his new skills, a bit of luck, and the help of some unlikely friends, the fool’s apprentice must race to prove his innocence, all while evading capture.


Denrikk sighed. “Please, call me Denrikk. It’s my true name.”  “It will be my honor, friend Denrikk,” the prince proclaimed. Denrikk rolled his eyes. Did royalty always speak this way?  And the prince didn’t stop there. Kaleb spewed forth a constant and continuous stream of commentary and questions
for the next several hours. By the time the sun was high in the sky and they had stopped to water their horses, Kaleb had told Denrikk all there was to know about Falcon’s Ridge and the steadily growing rebellion there. Kaleb was of the obvious opinion that the people rising against the kingdom were ungrateful peasants who couldn’t understand the intricacies of running a kingdom. Falcon’s Ridge had, in recent years, ended a long-going and costly war with Lion’s Hollow and in order to rebuild and maintain the kingdom, King Weston had sharply raised taxes on his people. With no foreseeable relief in sight, some in the kingdom had begun to openly rebel against the royalty. “They simply will not concede that in difficult times, sacrifices must be made,” Kaleb complained to Denrikk as they
stretched their legs during the short respite from travel. “What exactly have you sacrificed?” Denrikk asked the prince.

“Pardon me?” Kaleb appeared stunned by the bold question. “You said that sacrifices must be made,” Denrikk reminded him. “What sacrifices have you made?” “Denrikk, we are of noble birth. We are not serfs,” Kaleb scoffed. “It has forever been the burden of the common man to provide for the kingdom that protects his family and his land. But if you must know, several of our estates in the eastern hills have fallen into disrepair. And we have had to cancel two, no three, state dinners with foreign ambassadors so as to avoid the appearance of squandering.” “To avoid the appearance of squandering,” Denrikk repeated Kaleb’s words back to him. “How many actual meals have your people had to skip because they cannot afford to put food on their tables?” Kaleb raised his chin. “Of course we sacrifice in different ways, but we all endure our hardships.” Denrikk shook his head. “Somehow, I think a man who hasn’t eaten in days wouldn’t consider your eastern estates falling into disrepair as much of a hardship.”

About the Author

Kelly Hess is the author of the BlackMyst Trilogy. His childhood love of reading science fiction and fantasy inspired him to write his own fantasy trilogy for young readers. He lives in Vacaville, California with his wife and son, and is working diligently on his next adventure.

Favorite Book:  Growing up, my favorite book was Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, and I’d have to say that even today, if I want to go back and read a tried and true favorite, Ender’s Game is my likely choice.

Favorite Movie:  I’ll admit it, Star Wars is still tops for me. The prequels may have dampened my enthusiasm a bit, but the original trilogy is still a guilty pleasure that I love. The Princess Bride and The Lord of the Rings trilogy are close seconds.

The Fool's ApprenticeThe Fool's Apprentice by Kelly Hess
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First, I would like to thank the author Kelly Hess for gifting me this book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. The characters are well developed on thought out. The storyline is very good and keeps you guessing until the very end. I loved this story and look forward to reading more from Kelly Hess.

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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hellsbane (Hellsbane #1) by Paige Cuccaro

by Paige Cuccaro

Series:  Hellsbane #1
Print Length: 258 pages
Publisher: Entangled: Select (November 13, 2012)
Publication Date: November 13, 2012

Twenty-three-year-old Emma Jane Hellsbane just found out she's not human--or, at least, not only human. She's half angel, too, and now Heaven's got a job for her: round up all the Fallen angels and their red-skinned, horned devil-demon minions and boot their butts back into the abyss. Only problem? The demons and their Fallen masters fight back…and they don't fight fair.

Luckily for Emma, she can put a stop to the constant threat of having her head hacked off if she figures out which Fallen angel is her father--and then kill him before he kills her. Of course, in the meantime, she'll have to avoid accidentally seducing her angelic mentor, help an old friend conquer his own Fallen sperm donor, and basically save the world from a cataclysmic divine smack down.

No one said being Heaven's bounty hunter would be easy. But with a name like Hellsbane, Emma Jane was born for the job.

About the Author

Paige Cuccaro lives in Ohio, with her husband, three daughters, three dogs, and three cats, in an ever shrinking house. When she's not writing she's doing the mom thing with a book in one hand and a notepad and pen in the other. Ideas come without warning and for her, the best way to stimulate her imagination is to enjoy the imagination of someone else.

HellsbaneHellsbane by Paige Cuccaro
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. The characters are well developed and written. The storyline is very good. I am looking forward to reading more from Paige Cuccaro.

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Tanza (The Astor Chronicles #2) by Amanda Greenslade

by Amanda Greenslade

Series: The Astor Chronicles #2
Print Length: 332 pages
Publisher: Australian eBook Publisher
Publication Date: August 30, 2016

Sarlice and I came to Tanza to escape from the Zeikas, and we were not prepared for a country on the brink of war. Where should our loyalties lie—to our home towns, to Tanza or to each other?

The Zeikas have their fire magic, dragons and demons, but they lack the Kriite ability to communicate across vast distances using the waves. I know one thing—the skyearls will not give up Tanza without a fight.

Soon I will have a skyearl of my own, and the miracle of flight along with it. I was slow to come into my powers in Jaria, but I was wrong to think Krii had no purpose for my life. They have a new name for me here in Tanza: Astor Talon.

‘Tanza’ is the second in “The Astor Chronicles”, a series of epic fantasy adventure novels for a new adult audience.

About the Author

Amanda Greenslade

Amanda Greenslade is an Australian writer of YA-adult fantasy and children's books. She aims to make every book she writes entertaining and thought-provoking.

In her Myra and the Magic Motorcycle series, children are given an exciting tale and a fun platform for learning about the world around them, especially the different cultures and places around the world and some of the social problems we face.

In her Astor Chronicles, she presents a world where spiritual magic is part of everyday life, from the shape-changing Rada to the flame-wielding Zeikas. If you enjoy classic good vs evil high fantasy with lots of action and creatures, this is a great series for you.

Amanda completed a Bachelor of Communication majoring in writing and screen production at Griffith University in 2003. The Managing Director of Australian eBook Publisher, a self-publishing service, Amanda is a multi-skilled communicator and designer. She has knowledge and experience in writing, editing, publishing, graphic design, book layout, web design and marketing.

Tanza (The Astor Chronicles Book 2)Tanza by Amanda Greenslade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was gifted this advanced reader copy of Tanza from the publisher Tigerace Books through netgalley. Because I read the stuff below the description I knew there was a note from the publisher stating the following:

PLEASE read Book 1 "Talon" first. Contact publisher for the ARC: OR Book 1 "Talon" also available here on Net Galley for review!

Because of this I new that Tanza was not a standalone and that I needed to read Talon first. The book was already archived on netgalley and I could have contacted the publisher as it says for an arc, but I have kindle unlimited so I was able to get Talon on it and read it first. You want to read them in order if you do not want to feel lost.

The books do have religious overtones good against evil all black and white with extremist in both camps. It reminds me of the story of Jesus. I am not religious but am a spiritualist and just to be clear that just means I do not believe in organized religion with my own personal reasons as to why. The way it reads did not bother me at all.

Amanda has done an amazing job with her world building and character development. There is a lot of adventure in this book. The storyline is very good as with Talon I enjoyed the book and it kept me interested from beginning to end to find out what happens next. I am looking forward to the next book in this series, which I hope Amanda is already working on.

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Reviews of Books I bought for free on Amazon Kindle

Heart of the Hunter (Dragon Chalice, #1)Heart of the Hunter by Tina St. John
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this book. It was written by Lara Adrian under the pen name Tina St. John. The characters were well developed. The storyline is nicely done. I bought it for free on Amazon. I look forward to reading more books by Lara Adrian.

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Pack Brothers - Complete Series: A Shapeshifter Romance (BBW, Alpha)Pack Brothers - Complete Series: A Shapeshifter Romance by Lisa Storm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable story, I love shifter books. There was some sex, but not so much that you don't have a story. The characters are well written and the storyline is good. I would like to read more from this author. I bought this book from amazon kindle for free.

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NightDrakeNightDrake by Lara Adrian
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I bought this book on amazon kindle for free. It is a nice short story that has the potential to become a good series if Lara Adrian decides to make it one. I enjoyed reading this story and look forward to reading more from this author.

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White Lion's Lady (Warrior, #1)White Lion's Lady by Tina St. John
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I bought this book from Amazon Kindle for free. I really enjoyed reading this story. The characters are well developed and written. The storyline is very good and had me wanting to find out what happened next. I loved the book from start to finish. I look forward to reading more from Lara Adrian.

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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Talon (The Astor Chronicles #1) by Amanda Greenslade

by Amanda Greenslade

Series: The Astor Chronicles #1
Print Length: 278 pages
Publisher: Australian eBook Publisher
Publication Date: April 1, 2016

A group of zealots from a distant island is making a move on Jaria, where a group of Kriites with animal bond-mates live. It will soon be up to Talon to find a way to fight back. With a newly awakened icetiger for his companion, Talon is finally learning the magic of his people, including telepathy and shape-changing.

Talon is a nineteen-year-old Kriite man who follows the wolf-god, Sy-tre. For this, he and his people are hunted by slavers who worship the jealous fire-god, Zeidarb. After Jaria is attacked by the Zeikas, Talon embarks on a mission to seek help. Before Talon even understands the power within him, there are demon summoners after him. He is horrified to learn that the Zeika leader plans use Talon’s body and mind to further his ambition for power.

Due to his bloodline and abilities, Talon is both the greatest threat and the greatest boon to the Zeika’s god-given mission to enslave or kill all Kriites. Talon’s actions and faith will make all the difference between the two.

About the Author

Amanda Greenslade

Australian writer of adult fantasy and children’s books. She aims to make every book she writes entertaining and thought-provoking.

Amanda completed a Bachelor of Communication majoring in writing and screen production at Griffith University in 2003. The Managing Director of Australian eBook Publisher, a self-publishing service, Amanda is a multi-skilled communicator and designer. She has knowledge and experience in writing, editing, publishing, graphic design, book layout, web design and marketing.

She also uses her small business marketing expertise to assist other businesses and organisations through her business Greenslade Creations.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book through Kindle Unlimited. I thought this book is an awesome young adult fantasy. It kept me hooked from beginning to end. The characters are well written and defined. The storyline and world building is great. The books is great from start to finish and I believe anyone who loves fantasy will like how well this books was written. Great job Amanda Greenslade, I love it and look forward to reading more of this series.

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A Cross to Bear (Gabriella Cross #1) by M.J. Lovestone

A Cross to Bear
by M.J. Lovestone

Series: Gabriella Cross #1
Print Length: 223 pages
Publisher: Kindle Press (March 22, 2016)
Publication Date: March 22, 2016

Gabriella Cross, a magazine reporter living outside of Chicago, is devastated when her sister is found dead. Intent on finding the killer, she follows the trail to billionaire playboy Michael Steele. When she finally confronts the mysterious man, Gabby is plunged into an ancient war between werewolves and vampires. Dark secrets are revealed, and she discovers that she has a unique power, one that has made her a target. Can Gabby embrace her power and bring justice to her sister's killer?

About the Author

M.J. Lovestone is the Kindle Scout author of the Gabriella Cross Paranormal Romance series. Cursed with an overactive imagination coupled with a low tolerance for slow and boring stories, M.J strives to create fast-paced adventures full of action, sex, drama, and a hint of magic. When not writing, M.J enjoys spending time with friends & family, reading, cooking, and binging on Netflix.

Join the mailing list for new release updates, contests, giveaways, and exclusive Gabby Cross content not published anywhere else.

A Cross to Bear (Gabriella Cross, #1)A Cross to Bear by M.J. Lovestone
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read this book though Kindle Unlimited. I enjoyed reading this story, although I thought Gabrielle started out as an extremely weak character. She grew as the book went along. The storyline is good, I felt is started out a bit slow, but came a long nicely as it progressed. With the exception of Gabrielle starting out weak, the characters are well written and defined.

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Release Blitz: Credo by Nashoda Rose


Book Title: Credo (Scars of the Wraiths, #3) 
Author: Nashoda Rose 
Genre: Paranormal Romance 
Release Date: October 24, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Book Blurb:

New York Times & USA Today Best Selling Author Nashoda Rose brings a fresh twist to the paranormal romance world with 'the Scars'.

An unrequited love.
A tortured past.
An unbreakable bond.

Their love was well-known throughout the immortal world.
The powerful Taldeburu Waleron and his Delara.
But tragedy struck and tore them apart for years. One believing the other was dead.

When fate finally brings them back together again it isn’t kind.
It’s cruel and testing. Sacrificial.

Because love has no remorse for its victims.
It doesn’t give you options.
And it won’t be stopped.

This is Waleron and Delara’s story.
It’s not pretty and it’s not kind.
But it's theirs.

A band of fierce warriors walk in the shadows of the human world with capabilities derived from the senses: Trackers, Sounders, Healers, Tasters, Visionaries and the rare Reflectors. They are known as the ‘Scars.

Scars of the Wraiths Series (Must be read in order)
Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths, Book 1)
Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths, Book 2)
Credo (Scars of the Wraiths, Book 3)
Take (Scars of the Wraiths, Book 4) Standalone

Meet the Author:

Nashoda Rose is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She writes romance with a splash of darkness. When she isn't writing, she can be found sitting in a field reading or writing with her dog at her side, while her horses graze nearby. She loves interacting with her readers and chatting about her addiction--books.

Buy the Book:

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Credo (Scars of the Wraiths, #3)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Awesome read, Nashoda has done it again. She brings out all the bad along with the good of these characters in all three of the books I have read so far. The characters are well developed and written. As I read all three of these books I fealt their pain as well as their well being. The storyline is very good and I am looking forward to more from Nashoda. She has done an amazing job bringing these characters to life. Keeep them coming Nashoda Rose. I was gifted an advanced Reader Copy from the author.


Danni: Mortal 

I remember nothing of my abduction two years ago. Sounds and scents trigger horrific flashes, but it’s all a blur except for one man with brilliant green eyes. When the tatted six foot two Adonis shows up at my door, my knowledge of the world is shattered. 

Bound to the immortal Scar by an ancient spell, we are on the run. Because Balen is the hunted. 

And if he dies, so do I.

Balen: Scar Tracker

My code of honor was respected without question … until I consumed the blood of a vampire in exchange for a mortal woman’s freedom. 

The Scars want me imprisoned. The Wraiths want me dead. 

But the woman I can’t forget needs me. And I’ll risk everything to protect her.

Even if it means killing her.

Because in order for her to live—first she must die.

Full-length novel. Come meet the Scars.

Scars: Immortal warriors with capabilities derived from the senses: Trackers, Sounders, Healers, Tasters, Visionaries, and the rare Reflectors. They each have what is known as an Ink, a tattoo that can be called to life.

*Stygian was originally titled JUMP.

Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths, #1)


Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths, #1)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved the book. I received my books late Saturday evening and got started right away. The characters are well written and defined. The storyline is great, I enjoyed it from beginning to end. The author Nashoda did a lovely job bringing these characters to life. I am heading to book two next. I received this book from the author as a gift.

“I don’t do nice. Period.” -Kilter (nickname: Off-Kilter) 

Kilter is crass, reckless and stubborn. He has alienated everyone—just the way he likes it. Until the day he meets Rayne and emotions he buried long ago reawaken. 

“I was nothing but a science experiment.” -Rayne 

Rayne has been locked away and used for research ever since she was a child. The abuse caused her to withdraw into a tomb of numbness where she’s found a safe place to hide. But her safe place isn’t safe at all, it’s slowly killing her. 
When Kilter rescues her and she is unexpectedly drawn to his raw honesty, Rayne must decide whether to trust him and fight for what she can’t see or drown into the depths of darkness. 

For some Scars, it’s the story of healing and redemption, for others it’s the beginning of a tortured existence. Which will it be for Kilter and Rayne? 

A band of fierce warriors walk in the shadows of the human world with capabilities derived from the senses: Trackers, Sounders, Healers, Tasters, Visionaries and the rare Reflectors. They are known as the ‘Scars. 

*Stygian must be read first. 18+ 

Scars of the Wraiths Series 
Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths, Book 1) 
Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths, Book 2) 
Take (Scars of the Wraiths, standalone) 
Credo (Scars of the Wraiths, Book 3)

Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths, #2)


Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths #2)
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this book from the author as a gift. As with the first book Stygian, I loved this book from beginning to end. The characters are well written and defined. The storyline is done very well. The characters deal with real life issues such as abuse and can they overcome the abuse to live healthy lives, get the books and find out. Nashoda has done an awesome job bringing these characters to life for us. I can't wait to read Credo. Keep them coming Nashoda. 


Release Blitz: Made to Suffer by Golden Czermak

Title: Made to Suffer
Series: Journeyman Series #3
Author: Golden Czermak
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: October 24


The Adventure Continues From author Golden Czermak, comes the third installment of the riveting Journeyman Series.
The Celtic Otherworld sits on the edge of a knife, threatening to fall into the waiting jaws of civil war. With the fate of the fourth artifact hanging in the balance, can the Journeymen succeed in preventing such an atrocity from happening?
Complicating matters, the great demon Dajjal has finally made it to the Earth. Dispensing with niceties and formality, he asserts his dominance over the Noctis, their allies, and all other living things.
What hope do the worlds have for peace when they were Made to Suffer?

The Series:




About the Author:

In the beginning, Golden worked the standard corporate rat race, completed college for a Chemical Engineering Degree, and began a small photography company on the side. Since then, and the growth of the FuriousFotog brand, Golden became an internationally published modeling/fitness photographer and eventually began working as a book cover model.
Having been in the industry for at least four years, he has interfaced and networked with countless authors and other clients. As part of his work as a photographer, he worked with them to create book cover images - now numbering well over 250 at the beginning of 2016.
Learning the ins and out of the book world, along with being an avid reader and storyteller himself, Golden finally decided to write and publish his first book, Homeward Bound, in 2016. This paranormal adventure romance will span a total of six books and new ideas for other stories are in the works as well.

Website * Facebook * Twitter * Newsletter

Made to Suffer (Journeyman, #3)Made to Suffer by Golden Czermak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this book from the author as a gift. This story has everything I love in paranormal story. I did feel like I was missing something when I first started reading as I haven't read the first two books yet. The storyline and world building is awesome. The characters are well defined and written. I can't wait to get my hands on the first two books and then those that will follow this one. Golden has done a great job writing this book and building these characters and its world.

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Hosted By:

Friday, October 7, 2016

NYV: PUNK (New York Vampire #1) by K.D. McQuain

NYV: PUNK (New York Vampire #1)
by K.D. McQuain

Series: New York Vampire #1
Print Length: 309 pages
Publisher: Black Marque Press; 1 edition (September 24, 2015)
Publication Date: September 24, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC


NYV: PUNK is an original coming of age story of adventure, music, romance and bloodthirsty horror set in the harsh 1980s New York Punk scene. (UF / NA)

For fifteen year old Christian, living in rural isolation with only his mother for company was as boring and bleak a life as he could imagine. Nothing ever happened and the most exciting thing to look forward to were monthly visits from the nice old lady who took his mother shopping in town. After being subjected to a bizarre and humiliating birthday ceremony, Christian decides to leave home to think things through. And when the opportunity for adventure presents itself, he jumps at the chance.

But being on his own is more terrifying than he ever dreamed. Barely surviving a brutal attack, Christian finds himself being hunted across the country by an ancient bloodthirsty evil, putting himself and those he cares for in mortal peril. He must learn to navigate the hazards of the tough Punk music scene if he is going to survive on the gritty streets of New York City long enough to discover his destiny.

Can he survive on his own? Will he find the life he hoped for? And what the hell does OMFUG mean anyway?

**Due to mature subject matter, this book is intended for readers 18 years of age or older.**

Check out the soundtrack here.

NYV: PUNK (New York Vampire, #1)NYV: PUNK by K.D. McQuain
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an amazing read, the storyline is very well thought out and written. The main characters are very well developed. I got totally immersed in this this book it kept me guessing as we went along and the author totally made me feel like I was right there feeling the punk scene. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series. K.D McQuain did an awesome job writing this book. I received this book from the author.

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Lighten Up, Y'all: Classic Southern Recipes Made Healthy and Wholesome by Virginia Willis

Lighten Up, Y'all: Classic Southern Recipes Made Healthy and Wholesome
by Virginia Willis
ISBN 1607745739
Print Length: 232 pages
Publisher: Ten Speed Press (March 3, 2015)
Publication Date: March 3, 2015
Sold by: Random House LLC


A collection of classic Southern comfort food recipes--including seven-layer dip, chicken and gravy, and strawberry shortcake--made lighter, healthier, and completely guilt-free.

Virginia Willis is not only an authority on Southern cooking, a French-trained chef, and a veteran cookbook author; she is also a proud Southerner who adores eating and cooking for family and friends. So when she needed to drop a few pounds and generally lighten up her diet, the most important criterion for her new lifestyle was that all the food had to taste delicious.

The result is Lighten Up, Y’all, a soul-satisfying and deeply personal collection of Virginia’s new favorite recipes. All the classics are covered—from a comforting Southern Style Shepherd’s Pie with Grits to warm, melting Broccoli Mac and Cheese to Old-Fashioned Buttermilk Pie. Each dish is packed with real Southern flavor, but made with healthier, more wholesome ingredients and techniques. Wherever you are on your health and wellness journey, Lighten Up, Y’all has the recipes, tools, and inspiration you need to make the nourishing, down-home Southern food you love.

Lighten Up, Y'all: Classic Southern Recipes Made Healthy and WholesomeLighten Up, Y'all: Classic Southern Recipes Made Healthy and Wholesome by Virginia Willis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great recipe book. We had to try as many recipes as possible before I gave my review. There are many great tasting recipes and we had a great time fixing them and having yummy dinners. Its not a diet, just healthier cooking. I recieved this book from blogging for books.

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