Sunday, September 14, 2014

Deep in Death by Colleen Helme

deep in death by Colleen Helme
Cozy Mystery – 279 Pages


Running “errands” for her mob-boss employer, Joey “The Knife” Manetto, often ends with Shelby in trouble, making her cautious about continuing her association with him. Instead, she focuses on a new client who hires Shelby to find her missing mother. What seems like a routine case turns into something more sinister and deadly than she ever imagined.
In the meantime, Uncle Joey has summoned Shelby to his office, where she runs into her former nemesis. Shelby inadvertently hears something that makes her fear for the lives of Uncle Joey and his hit-man, Ramos. This time, Uncle Joey is not sure he wants to involve Shelby in something he knows could get her killed. Keeping Shelby’s involvement to a minimum has disastrous results, sending Shelby on a dangerous path. As her investigation unfolds, Shelby finds death at every turn, and soon realizes she is in over her head. Can she escape from danger in time? Or will she find herself deep in death?

Deep In Death (Shelby Nichols #6)Deep In Death by Colleen Helme
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First, I would like to thank the author Colleen Helme for giving me this book for an honest reveiw. I totally enjoyed reading this mystery. The story-line is very good. The characters are well developed and written. The main character Shelby is a housewife and mother. I loved this book and now I have to catch up with the series. Colleen Helme has done an excellent job writing this book and I look forward to reading more books by her.

View all my reviews

About This Author

As the author of the Shelby Nichols Adventure Series, Colleen is often asked if Shelby Nichols is her alter-ego. “Definitely,” she says. “Shelby is the epitome of everything I wish I dared to be.” Known for her laugh since she was a kid, Colleen has always tried to find the humor in every situation and continues to enjoy writing about Shelby’s adventures. “I love getting Shelby into trouble…I just don’t always know how to get her out of it!” Colleen lives in the Rocky Mountains with her family. Besides writing, she loves a good book, biking, hiking, and playing board and card games with family and friends. She loves to connect with readers and admits that fans of the series keep her writing.

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