Madelyn Serrato: Wolves of Calderwood: Dead Angels
Horror/Urban Fantasy
Date Published: 3/16/2013
Early morning and a woman lies dead in the street, her end violent and strange.
A man loses his mother. A detective finds himself caught between, between the city and
the underworld. A wolf wanders aimlessly in search of a killer, in search of an end. All
three are haunted by ghosts of half-remembered moments; all three, trapped in a city,
this city that holds its secrets loose and its citizens tight. This city of dogs. This city of
demons. Calderwood.
The man with the tattoos walked slowly in front of the boy, blocking the suit's path. Will backed into the nearby wall, trying to catch his breath. The two squared off in the alleyway, the tattooed man rolling his shoulders slightly and tightening his fists. Will was about to run again when a new sound stopped him, what he could have sworn he heard a low, distinctly animal growl from the newcomer. He wanted to dart to the streets, but fear and shortness of breath kept him there against the wall.
The suit-thing let out another screech and snapped its teeth at the man, bolting forward. The man threw his weight into him, locking his fingers around the suit's lower jaw, his other hand gripping a thick patch of hair. The creature started thrashing as the tattooed man strained against his jaws. An ugly crack rippled through the air. And for a moment there was silence.
A horrific sound that reverberated off the walls, a shriek so sharp it sliced through air. The tattooed man released his grip and stumbled back, shaking his head as if to get the sound out of his ears. Will too, hands over his own, could almost feel the waves hitting the base of his spine, causing him to twist and arch his body away. Even as it faded, the echoes still left a ringing in his ears.
My Review: July 2013 ~ Review Copies ~

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
First I would like to thank the author Madelyn Serrato for giving me this book for an honest review. The Characters are well developed and easy to keep pace with. The story is on the dark side, which I personally like. Well developed character I look forward to seeing more from this author.
View all my reviews
Madelyn Serrato
Madelyn Serrato was born in California and attended college in Washington, where she received a BA in Psychology.
She currently resides in Arizona and will start medical school by the end of the summer. When not writing, she
enjoys boxing, reading, and watching terrible movies with friends. Wolves of Calderwood has been a labor of love
for many years and is her first published novel. Join her mailing list at
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