Welcome to my stop on the Godsland series blog tour! This is a YA epic/high fantasy adventure series by Brian Rathbone. The tour consists of reviews of all of the books and the audiobook, as well as guest posts, interviews and more. Be sure to check out the tour page with all the tour information and additional tour stops.
The books in the Godsland series:
Call of the Herald (Book One) - FREE
Inherited Danger (Book Two)- FREE
Dragon Ore (Book Three)
You can also find it in one bind up called The Dawning of Power Trilogy Omnibus.
Find the full list of titles and links at http://brianrathbone.com/ As this is only the first trilogy in the World of Godsland series.

1) First, tell us about yourself – where you live, your family, and those sorts of details.
Hi! Thanks for doing this interview. I grew upon a working horse farm in New Jersey but have lived in western North Carolina for the past fifteen years. My wife and I live in a log home in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains with three seriously spoiled cats--and one occasional bear.
2) How long have you been writing?
I started writing in 2005. The job I was working at the time was clearly coming to an end, and I had an opportunity to go after a dream. There was nothing I had ever wanted more than to write fantasy fiction, and I decided to put my mind to it. I’d been thinking about the Godsland series for years, and when I started writing, it poured from me like a river. As I start the eighth book in the series, it still does. I love that.
3) Do you have a favorite place to write?
I prefer to write in my recliner on a small, light laptop. I put familiar music on at relatively low volume, and there's usually a kitty strewn across my legs. From this portal I stroke the keys and go into my own world. Later, when it comes time for editing, I move into my office and use the desktop with a big display.
4) Why did you decide to write The Dawning of Power?
There was no choice. I always knew I would write fantasy, and the titles leaped, fully formed, into my mind. If only I could type faster…
5) Who is your favorite character in your book and why?
Kenward Trell is a sick puppy. He's not quite right in the head, and yet he keeps winning. If you tell him how to do something, he’ll do it backward just to spite you and somehow come out ahead. He kind of reminds me of me a little, but he's not me--seriously--I'm not that brave.
6) How about your least favorite character? What makes them less appealing to you?
Master Edling represents all the things I railed against in my own life. He and Archmaster Belegra place themselves above everyone around them, and that is the thing I like least. I've been fortunate to have a lot of great things happen in my life, but it wasn't always so. I know what it's like to be cold and hungry and to feel unwanted. I find lifting up those around me to be a far better way to elevate myself.
7) Do you proofread/edit your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?
I have a fairly extensive editing process. First, I use text-to-speech to have the manuscript read to me while I look at it on the screen. My ears find things my eyes miss. Then I do a couple passes looking for overused words and phrases. Then I send it to beta readers. After reviewing and addressing their feedback, I sent it to my professional editor, Andrea Howe. Andrea and I do two reads, which allows me to address any feedback she may have on the first read. After that, it's off to the presses so to speak.
8) What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Creativity is an addiction. Throw in a strong desire to solve pervasive problems and a healthy dose of goofball, and you have a dragon-obsessed mad scientist. Over the years, I've been a horse trainer, construction worker, custodian at a nuclear plant, pizza delivery guy, network engineer, programmer, inventor, broadband planner, graphic artist, and publisher. You just never know what I’ll do next. Right now, I am working on a 3D printed Internet site survey quadra-copter to help solve the rural broadband shortage, 3D printed rings and pendants based on the Godsland series, t-shirts, prints and other Godsland related merchandise.
9) Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors?
I've been doing more listening than reading lately, since I've had a lot of time on the road and not much remaining spare time. For years, I devoured just about every fantasy series I could get my hands on. I was inspired by the likes of David Eddings, Melanie Rawn, Terry Brooks, Anne McCaffrey and others. I posted many of the books that inspired me on my Goodreads shelf. http://goodreads.com/brianrathbone
More recently, I have enjoyed the works of Brandon Sanderson, Nicholas Taylor, Collin Earl, Chris Snelgrove, M.R. Mathias, Scott Baughman and Michael J Sullivan.
10) What question do you wish that someone would ask about your book, but nobody has? Write it out here, then answer it.
Some of the things that happen in the books seem like they could happen in real life. Did you do that on purpose?
I'm really glad you asked that question! It's true; many events and fantastic occurrences are based in real science and physics. These events have been dramatized to be sure, but I tried to include real phenomena whenever I could. One example is when a ship is sailing beneath a volcanic cloud. The massive friction generates electrical charges that trigger plasma-like flames that engulf the sails and rigging without harming or consuming them. This scene was based on the natural phenomenon called St. Elmo's Fire.
My Review: December 2013 ~ Review Copies ~

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
First, I would like to thank the author Brian Rathbone for giving me this book for an honest review. This is the first three books of the World of Godsland. I was completely engrossed from beginning to end. The characters are strong and they all make up the many characters that keep this story going. The story keeps you wanting more, for me so much more that now that I am finished I am wanting the next three books of the world of Godsland - The Balance of Power. Brian has done a great job with this story and that he can keep the reader wanting to know what happens next because he has put together such an interesting world.
Godsland Book One - Call of the Herald
243 pages
Echoes of the ancients' power are distant memories, tattered and faded by the passage of eons, but that is about to change. A new dawn has arrived. Latent abilities, harbored in mankind's deepest fibers, wait to be unleashed. Ancient evils awaken, and old fears ignite the fires of war. When a Catrin Volker, a teenage horse trainer, inadvertently fulfills the prophecy of the destroyer, she becomes the most feared and hunted person on all of Godsland. With the help of her friends, she must convince the world that she wants only peace.
Godsland Book Two -
Inherited Danger
276 pages
Leaving her homeland behind, Catrin Volker goes in search of knowledge and peace, unaware that she will face the greatest evil her world has ever known.

Godsland Book Three- Dragon Ore
268 pages
Dragon Ore is the exciting conclusion of The Dawning of Power trilogy. Clinging to life, Catrin Volker struggles to regain her strength as her foes go in search of even greater power. Ancient enemies threaten and forgotten alliances emerge.

Brian Rathbone started out as a professional racehorse trainer, but he later transformed himself into a network engineer, programmer, and, more recently, rural broadband specialist. One thing that never changed was Brian's love of reading fantasy fiction. For years he would think of story lines for his own stories as a way to keep from dreaming about writing code. When the time came that Brian could concentrate on writing, The World of Godsland became real.
Author Sites:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | GoodReads | Trailer | Free Web Game Feral Dragons | Free Web Game Grumpy Dragons
Books can be found at:
I'm so glad you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for hosting a tour stop!