Monday, September 30, 2013

By Blood by Tracy E. Banghart with Giveaway

By Blood by Tracy E. Banghart 
Series: By Blood #1
Publication date: February 18th 2013
Genre: YA Paranormal


For 17-year-old Emma Wong, spending a summer in England should be a dream come true. Gorgeous scenery? Check. Lots of hot guys with accents? Yes, please.

Throw in an estranged mom, annoying new stepdad, and drooling baby half-brother, and it’s a disaster even her favorite cherry red leather jacket can’t fix. Even worse, there’s (hot) live-in research assistant Josh to contend with. The only thing more embarrassing than   drunk-kissing him hours after they meet? Knowing he’ll be witness to her family’s dysfunction all. summer. long.

But when Emma meets a mysterious girl who happens to be a Druid, her vacation suddenly promises to be far more intriguing than she  anticipated. Powerful rituals, new friends, an intoxicating sense of freedom...and Simon, the sexy foreign stranger she was hoping for. It’s all a perfect distraction from dirty diapers and awkward family dinners.

Trouble is, intriguing doesn’t often mean simple. And Emma is about to discover just how not simple her life really is.

By Blood is a novel about the ways that blood can bind us to others – or tear us apart.


Moon Child by Tracy E. Banghart 
Series: By Blood #2
Publication date: August 16th 2013
Genre: YA Paranormal


Before Emma's adventures in Oxford, her best friend Diana came face-to-face with a killer...

Diana Calvert is so over high school. Who cares if Olivia hates her? And David needs to forget about having a crush on her STAT. Even Emma’s crazy fashion choices can’t keep Diana entertained. All she can hope for is a dance scholarship to a college as far away as possible from too-small, too-boring, too-nothing-ever-happens New Freedom, PA.

Then Diana meets Nicholas Woodhaven. He’s pale, angry…yet weirdly charming. The more time they spend together, the more she wonders who – or what – he really is. Because he isn’t anything like the other guys she knows. Not with the whole only-going-out-at-night thing. And living with his creepy aunt. And not going to school.

Just when Diana thinks she’s got Nicholas all figured out, people in her small, nothing-ever-happens town start dying. She has to wonder – can she trust him? And even more alarming – could she be next?

A murder mystery with a paranormal twist, Moon Child is best read under the covers with a flashlight...if you dare!



Tracy E. Banghart is a cheesy movie–loving, fantasy football–playing (go Ravens!), globe-trotting Army wife who began “practicing” her craft at the age of five, when she wrote her first story. She loves visiting the international friends she met while pursuing her MA in Publishing and spends a portion of every summer at her family’s cabin in Canada, where she finds inspiration and lots of time to relax on the dock. She lives with her husband, son, two lazy dogs and one ornery cat. When not writing or spending time with her family, she is on a mission to bake the perfect cupcake.


Grand prize giveaway
1) (US only) SIGNED paperback copies of BY BLOOD & MOON CHILD + $20 Amazon, B&N or Smashwords gift card
2) (US & INTL) (2 winners) paperback copies of BY BLOOD & MOON CHILD + $10 Amazon, B&N or Smashwords gift card
3) (US & INTL) (2 winners) E-copies of BY BLOOD & MOON CHILD + $5 Amazon, B&N, or Smashwords gift card

My Review:  September 2013   ~ Review Copies ~

By Blood (By Blood #1)By Blood by Tracy E. Banghart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First, I would like to thank the author Tracy E. Banghart for giving me this book for an honest review. Awesome read, at first with a name like by blood I thought there were going to be vampires, there wasn't, but that is ok. The book was more about family at least underneath the surface what and who makes family. There were druids, great story, the characters are well developed, although Emma came off like a selfish teenager. Well most teenagers are selfish and act like brats at one time or another. Very good story and I am looking forward to reading more of the series.

View all my reviews

My Review:  September 2013   ~ Review Copies ~

Moon Child (By Blood #2)Moon Child by Tracy E. Banghart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First, I would like to thank the author Tracy E. Banghart for giving me this book for an honest review. Tracy has done it again, a very fascinating read. This time the story follows Diana, Emma's friend. The character development and world building are great. Tracy has a way with keeping you wanting more when you read her stories. I am looking forward to reading more from this author.

View all my reviews

Skeleton & Dust by Rhiannon Paille Blog Tour

Book Info-

Title: Skeleton & Dust
Series: The Ferryman + The Flame #0.5
By: Rhiannon Paille
Expected Publication: October 1st, 2013


In the First Era, before Kaliel and Krishani fell in love, Tor runs. He escapes the Land of Kings and the tyrannical Valtanyana. In the depths of Tempia he forges weapons-- The Flames-- strong enough to oppose the Kings he betrayed.

Aria, The Amethyst Flame, cannot touch the living or the dead and her kin are silent ghosts. Hidden in a cairn deep in the haunted forest, Aria becomes obsessed with the Ferryman, the only boy who can feel her touch.

Before Aria knows it, The Flames, The Ferryman and Tor are swept up in the first war against the Valtanyana.



“Nobody knows how to call the Ferryman,” Afton whispered when Aria was done. They stood side by side, Aria in her white gown and Afton in her light blue one. They didn’t hold hands because Aria couldn’t feel her, living or dead, and Afton clasped her hands together, whispering other things to herself.
“Tor told me how.”
Afton dared a sidelong glance at her. “You must be very special to know the secrets of the land.”
Aria laughed. “I know nothing.”
“You know more than I.”
Aria was going to rebut her, but the boat appeared on the horizon and glided towards them cutting through the shapes of the clouds on the sea. Moments later it fetched up against the shore and the Ferryman glared at Aria.
“You bring me one so young.”
Aria couldn’t take her eyes off him, fighting the urge to burst into a shower of sparks. The same feeling she experienced the first time she saw him cut through her from head to toe as Afton stepped forward.
“It was an accident. I ate the poisonous flowers,” Afton said boldly.
The Ferryman didn’t dare a glance at the young girl, his hooded face focused on Aria, but his next words were meant for the girl. “Do you have a coin to pay me?”
Aria caught Afton biting her lip out of the corner of her eye. “No…but I beg you, please take me.”
The Ferryman extended his skeletal hand towards Aria. “Will you pay the fee for her?”
“I—I don’t have a coin…” Aria could barely speak, her tongue feeling three times its usual size. The Ferryman withdrew his hand and went to push off the shores when Aria stepped forward and without thinking, caught him by the arm. Lightning shot through her fingers as she gripped the fabric of his cloak hard, the sensation of it under her fingertips surreal. She couldn’t help it; tears sprang to her eyes and slid down her violet tinged cheeks. The Ferryman wrenched his arm out of her grip and looked at Afton.
“I will take you,” he said, his voice hoarse compared to its gravelly quality moments ago. When Afton was safely in the boat, the Ferryman turned to Aria. “You owe me. I will return to collect.” He pushed off from the shores and disappeared in a cloud of mists.
Aria couldn’t think straight as she watched them go. Had she really touched him? Was that what it was like to touch something? She expected her form to move through his the way it had with the ghosts and the people and the trees, but with the Ferryman it wasn’t like that.
Where he was, he was solid.
And it made her giddy.

About the Author-

Rhiannon is an up and coming Indie Author that writes Young Adult Fantasy books and some non fiction. She has a PhD in Metaphysical Science and Parapsychology. When she’s not writing books she’s reading minds, singing karaoke, burning dinner and sipping iced cappuccino despite her allergy to coffee. Some day she’d like to own a unicorn—as long as it doesn’t eat her. She's sold over 25,000 copies of her books worldwide.


Facebook Events-

Author is giving away a signed paperback set of “Surrender”, “Justice” and “Vulture”, along with a Print Package. Open to US only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Review:  September 2013   ~ Review Copies ~

Skeleton & Dust (The Ferryman + The Flame #0.5)Skeleton & Dust by Rhiannon Paille
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First, I would like to thank the author Rhiannon Paille for giving me this book for an honest review. I love the book, it is a novella, short story, so it is a very short read. This book is a prequel to the series, giving a small bit to get us wanting more of this high fantasy series. I definitely look forward to reading the rest of the series.

View all my reviews

VBT - Romancing His English Rose by Catherine Hemmerling with Interview


1)      First, tell us about yourself – where  you live, your family, and those sorts of details.

I live in Tehachapi, CA. It’s a lovely mountain town near southern California that truly experiences all four seasons. The snow in winter really brings the holiday spirit to life! I live with my fiancé and his oldest daughter. His youngest daughter visits every weekend. I love being a “step-mom”. We will celebrate our first Christmas together as a family this year and I cannot wait.

2)      How long have  you been writing?

Wow, I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I began making up stories to entertain my younger cousins when I was just a young girl. I used to write down stories and then make paper dolls of the characters or turn the story into plays for the family. I always dreamt of being a published writer someday. I still can’t believe it actually happened.

3)      Do you have a favorite place to write?

I write best away from home. At the library or a coffee shop. At home there are too many things calling my name. You’d be surprised how loud dishes in the sink can be when you are trying to write a scene. Not to mention how difficult it is to type when there is a cat lying on your keyboard! So, getting away is best.

4)      Why did you decide to write Romancing His English Rose?

I was reading a lot and running into stories where I thought, “If I had written this, I would have done this or this or this.” I guess it finally hit me that instead of rewriting someone else’s book, I should get going on one of my own. Once I made the decision, a series idea came to me at once. The research for the series only served to excite me more about the idea and once I started writing I didn’t stop until book 3 was done. I guess it was just the right time.

5)      Who is your favorite character in your book and why?

Oh, wow, good question. I guess Sarah is my favorite. She reminds me a lot of me. Tall, awkward, no filter, but loyal to a fault. You can’t help but love her.

6)      How about your least favorite character?  What makes them less appealing to you?

It would be easy to say Lord Shrewsbury; he is the villain after all, but I also am not that fond of Simon’s father. He did not see Rose for the prize she was and frankly his family feud was not fair to Simon who missed out on quality time with his grandparents as a result.

7)      Do you proofread/edit your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?

I do the first couple of passes and then have a close friend of mine read over it. She always catches great things. Then my editor gets a hold of it and somehow makes it even better than I could imagine. I have a great team!

8)      What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I spend a lot of time with my family. We are big movie buffs. Also, my fiancé plays the drum in an Irish band. So we often have gigs to go to on weekends. The band has a very loyal following and the shows are always great fun! I read a lot and like to knit and crochet. There’s plenty to keep me busy when I’m not writing, which is not always a good thing. LOL

9)      Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors?

Yes, I read a lot. My favorite authors include Jane Austen, Julia Quinn, Stephen King, Robert Parker, JD Robb, and Shakespeare … really whatever strikes my mood. I have an eclectic collection and sometimes will just close my eyes and pick at random. Nothing beats a good book.

10)   What question do you wish that someone would ask about your book, but nobody has? Write it out here, then answer it.

Nobody has asked me if I would have been part of the Garden Society and friends with all the girls if I had been around in that day and age. I like to think I would be. I certainly would not be the most popular girl, nor would I be part of the “in” crowd making other girls feel left out. I hope Lady Lancaster would see something extra in me and invite me to be part of her group. I certainly would love to be friends with Rose, Hannah, and all the others. How cool would that be?

Romancing His English Rose
Lady Lancaster Garden Society
Book Two
Catherine Hemmerling

Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Entangled Publishing.
Date of Publication:  9-9-13
Number of pages: 174

Book Description:

Rose Warren and Simon Trumbull may have been betrothed since birth, but that doesn't mean they have to like each other. Rose is sure the notorious playboy Simon will never willingly settle down, and Simon, well... he agrees. Never one to be forced into anything, he'd rather drink and gamble with his mates than spend time with the bookish, bespectacled Rose.

When the two are thrown together to investigate a potential poisoning mystery, neither expects the sparks that fly. Simon discovers that Rose is, in face, a brilliant sleuth and - even better - hides a delectable body beneath her flowing skirts. Suddenly, falling into bed may be the best idea either has heard, but can Simon convince Rose his romancing is forever?


“Ah, yes...” Simon said haltingly, unable to believe that Lady Lancaster had suggested he dance with Rose. Usually when he poured on his charm, the older ladies did everything in their power to keep the young impressionable girls away from him. Of course, he was engaged to Rose, so perhaps that accounted for the woman’s unusual decision.

Turning to Rose, Simon saw that she too was surprised by the dowager’s recommendation. She also appeared displeased by it. Most young ladies fawned over him and when he asked one to dance, they would practically swoon with delight. But Rose seemed almost disgusted by the idea.

Pride pricked, Simon came to a decision. This dance would be the best Rose had ever experienced—one she would never forget.

Pulling himself up straight and tall, Simon adopted the most sincere mien he could and asked, “Rose, may I have this dance?”

Rose nodded and accepted Simon’s arm and together they walked to the dance floor.

Soon they were moving gracefully around the ballroom complete silence. Rose was gazing absently over Simon’s shoulder and Simon was trying in vain to come up with something witty and interesting to say.

While deciding to impress Rose enough for her to never again regret having to dance with him, Simon took a moment to get a better look at his betrothed. Something was different about her tonight, but he just couldn’t put his finger on what.

About the Author: 

Catherine Hemmerling has been a technical writer in the software industry for nearly twenty years and has published many user manuals and technical documentation in that time. She has always had a love of writing fiction but has never pursued publication in that genre until now. 

Hopefully it is the beginning of a long new journey with Lady Lancaster and the Garden Society girls. Certainly historical romance (especially the scandalous kind) is more fun than writing technical documents! 

This author happily resides in Tehachapi, California (near Bakersfield - home of her Alma-mater!) with her family.

Catherine writes for Entangled Publishing's Scandalous historical line and is thrilled to be part of their family of writers!

Tour Wide Giveaway
$25.00 Amazon Gift card

Eternal Starling by Angela Corbett Book Blast

A love so strong, even eternity can’t separate them. Evie Starling has lived a relatively uneventful life hanging out with friends, gossiping about boys, and driving her 1966 Mustang.

All of that changes when she moves to Gunnison, Colorado, to start college and meets two mysterious men. For centuries, Alex Night and Emil Stone have yearned for Evie but they each have their own reasons for wanting to be with her. When both men claim to be her soul mate and tell her about an unbelievable past, Evie learns that she s not the person she thought she was. Soon, Evie finds herself in the middle of an age-old battle between the Amaranthine Society the soul protectors, and the Daevos Resistance the soul destroyers. With a past she doesn t understand, and a future rife with danger, Evie has to decide who she can trust. But Alex and Emil aren t the only ones who want Evie, and her soul is about to become the rope in an eternal tug-of-war.

Angela Corbett

As a child, Angela Corbett’s most prized possession was a set of read-along books. She used to follow along with the narrator on the stereo and dream of when she would be able to read by herself. Her childhood reading habit led her to consider her future career. However, after consulting with her parents, she realized she had already exceeded hobbit height and since fairies and dragonslayers were tricky jobs to get, she decided she wanted to create worlds of her own. She started writing poetry in elementary school and worked as a journalist in high school and college, but could never leave her love for writing fiction behind.

She is a graduate of Westminster College where she double majored in communication and sociology. She has worked as a journalist, freelance writer, and director of communications and marketing. She loves classic cars, traveling, and escaping in a good book. She lives in Utah with her incredibly supportive husband and their five-pound Pomeranian, Pippin, whose following of fangirls could rival Justin Bieber’s.

Eternal Starling is her debut novel and the first book in the Emblem of Eternity trilogy.

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Cover Reveal - Seal Of Awakening by Traci Douglass

Seal Of Awakening
Seven Seals Series, Book Three
Traci Douglass

Genre: Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy
Publisher: SpinTale Publishing
Date of Publication: October 28th, 2013
ISBN: 978-0-9897829-0-6
Number of pages: 261
Word Count: 70,000
Cover Artist: Kim Killion

Book Trailer:

Book Description:

Socially awkward geneticist Quinn Strickland has willingly forgone the pleasures in life to reach her career objectives. Alone and approaching thirty, she uses her independence to mitigate any risk of a broken heart. Her strategy works until the day a handsome stranger bursts into her lab and her orderly plans shoot straight to Hades. He claims to be her personal divine protector, a powerful, ancient warrior sent to defend a prophetic time bomb existing within her own genetic code.

The Scion’s alpha-geek Wyck is offered the opportunity of his immortal lifetime as head of his own covert operation. He arrives at a Colorado lab expecting starched white coats and sterile surroundings—not a redheaded spitfire in charge of both his project and his libido. His skills have carried him from the battlefields of ancient England to the pits of Hell and he has no plans to be felled by one woman, regardless of her shag-worthy charms. Divine duty requires him to protect the apocalyptic Seal encrypted within Quinn’s DNA, but his heart has other ideas. When his personal feelings interfere with his age-old vendetta, he’s forced to decide between desire and retribution.


For the band of adopted heavenly brothers known collectively as the Scion, covert ops generally fell into two categories, crashing bore or glorious adventure. And after more than nine hundred years of divine missions, Wyck could tell the difference before the first volley fired.
He double-checked to make sure his ID badge was prominently displayed.  Divinity had finally given him a second chance as mission leader and he intended to make sure this operation fell squarely into the epically awesome range despite his less than glamorous surroundings. This time, he vowed, there’d be no messy diversions to waylay his goals, no damsel in questionable distress to shred his heart to smithereens. Nope. This time he was fully prepared and would see his mission through to a successful end. 
Wyck trudged up the sidewalk toward the imposing glass and steel Eugenicorp Labs building, craning his neck to see the top of the six-story structure. He was so engrossed in his perusal he nearly squashed a bedraggled squirrel limping across the pavement in front of him. Wyck glanced down and spotted a half-cracked acorn near the toe of his boot. Poor bugger must’ve dropped it in his hasty retreat. 
His first inclination was to reach down and retrieve it, maybe place the nut near the roots of the giant tree where the squirrel now hid.  But now wasn’t the time to get sidetracked. As his commander, Xander, had already warned him, such kindness had only added to his past failures. 
He kicked the nut, watching as it hurtled through the open grassy area surrounding the complex, then strode through the automatic doors and into the cavernous lobby. Empty. Sterile. Utilitarian, covered in gleaming metal and glass. The décor - neutral grays and bland beiges - screamed restraint.  
Okay, he amended. Maybe epic and awesome were pushing the envelope for this mission. Best to start with solidly successful. He blinked several times in the early morning sunshine and spotted the pinched, schoolmarm expression of a receptionist across the expanse. 
In his experience, mulish females appeared to be the rule in academia. Just one more reason he steered clear of the smart ones and stuck to his technology. Emotional evisceration was another, but he refused to dwell on that now. Gadgets and science had always been his safe refuge. They trustworthy.
He proceeded across the pristine white-tile floor and when the receptionist steadfastly ignored him, Wyck coughed and summoned his most charming smile. “Hi, I’m Orson Parrot, the new bloke.”
The woman glanced up from her computer screen and ran a disdainful eye over him, her glare burning a hole through his extended hand.  Her scowl increased as she snatched a clipboard from the desk’s immaculate surface and skimmed a bony digit down the list.  She tapped her finger twice beside one line and stared back at him, her demeanor cold enough to freeze hydrogen, then pointed toward a pair of glass doors across the lobby. “Through there.” 
He leaned forward to thank her only to be confronted by a strip of red fabric. Dangling from the receptionist’s hand, it swung in crazy, lopsided circles to tap him squarely on the chest. “You’ll need this,” she said, her tone a perfect match for the Queen’s after a distasteful tabloid scandal.
Wyck caught the twirling lanyard, with its attached security keycard, and placed it around his neck.  He couldn’t resist giving the woman a wink and a grin on his way out, and was delighted when she stiffened like rawhide. A fellow had to have some fun.
He headed toward the double doors across the atrium, his mind ticking with details. This rare shot at redemption, plus the added potential for delivering a digital smackdown to his longtime enemies, the Nephilim, had him jumping at the chance to infiltrate the Eugenicorp’s computer system. Getting back in the field again would prove more enjoyable than his usual long hours of tedious research for his brother’s quests. Not to mention turning down an assignment from Divinity wasn’t really an option. She’d given the Scion many blessings, but freewill over their assignments wasn’t one of them. 
If his hunches were correct, his new logic bomb would blow the fucking cork right off the half-breeds’ schemes for a new world order. By utilizing their legitimate business arm in the human realm, Tolbert International, the Nephilim had been quietly amassing huge quantities of money for centuries, branching out into everything from pharmaceuticals to produce. The Internet had been buzzing for months with rumors of an eminent Tolbert takeover of a genetics research facility and Divinity had sent him to Eugenicorp to make sure those takeover plans didn’t include the Seal currently hosted by one head scientist or the top-secret project she commandeered. 
He used his new keycard to enter a glass-lined walkway and caught sight of his reflection. Christ Almighty. He’d done a wicked job of turning his normal hipster persona into Orson Parrott—Super Brain Extraordinaire. 
Attired in a scholarly turtleneck and khakis, he couldn’t have been further from his normal choice of t-shirt and jeans. Between his helmet hair and the tatty, empty briefcase he carried, there was little sign of the tousled charmer who’d enticed a cute barista to bed during his last reconnaissance mission here a few months earlier.
Goodbye quick tumbles. Hello brainy celibate. 
Wyck passed from the atrium into another adjoining lobby and glanced at the office number scribbled across his palm in blue ballpoint ink. 5324. He pushed the button for the next arriving elevator, whistling while he waited. 
Sure, he’d performed a teensy bit of cyber-fraud by uploading his own credentials and employee demographics into the Eugenicorp HR files and he’d picked out a nice cushy office with a window, close to his target and close to the vending machines. Perfect.
Speaking of his target, the buttoned-down woman wasn’t one he looked forward to meeting. From everything he’d read about the third Seal’s unwitting host, she was smarter than sin and as enticing as a good bout of bubonic plague. No thank you.
A determined clack of heels echoed against the tile behind him and he swiveled toward the noise, just in time to see a flash of bright red hair barge through the gathering crowd and into the elevator. People stepped back, some headed for the stairs, as if the woman now occupying the compartment might spontaneously combust at any moment. 

About the Author:

Traci is the author of paranormal romance/urban fantasy and contemporary romances featuring a sly, urban edge, including her current Seven Seals series. Her stories feature sizzling alpha-male heroes full of dark humor, quick wits and major attitudes; smart, independent heroines who always give as good as they get; and scrumptiously evil villains who are—more often than not—bent on world destruction. She enjoys weaving ancient curses and mythology, modern science and old religion, and great dialogue together to build red-hot, sizzling chemistry between her main characters.

She is an active member of Romance Writers of America (RWA), Indiana Romance Writers of America (IRWA) and Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Writers (FF&P) and is pursing a Masters of Fine Arts degree in Writing Popular Fiction through Seton Hill University. Her stories have made the final rounds in several RWA chapter contests, including the 2012 Duel on the Delta, the 2012 Molly Awards, and the 2012 Catherine Awards. An earlier draft of the first book in the Seven Seals Series, Seal of Destiny, won the paranormal category of the 2012 Marlene Awards sponsored by the Washington Romance Writers.
Other current projects include upcoming books in the Seven Seals series, a new contemporary novella series due out in early 2014, and a new futuristic suspense series with hints of the paranormal and plenty of romance.

Little Red Writing by Joan Holub

Little Red Reading Little Red Writing by Joan Holub

Acclaimed writer Joan Holub and Caldecott Honoree Melissa Sweet team up in this hilarious and exuberant retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, in which a brave, little red pencil finds her way through the many perils of writing a story, faces a ravenous pencil sharpener (the Wolf 3000)... and saves the day. Joan Holub has hundreds of pencils. Some are red. Others are glittery, sporty, or full of holiday cheer. They are all super sharp and good at writing books. They’ve helped Joan write more than 130 books, including Zero the Hero and Knuckleheads. She lives in Raleigh, North Carolina. Melissa Sweet has illustrated nearly 100 children’s books, including the Caldecott Honor–winning River of Words and the Sibert Medal–winning Balloons Over Broadway. When not in her studio, Melissa loves to ride her bicycle and hike with her two dogs, Rufus and Nellie. She lives in Rockport, Maine.

  Praise "A very funny picture book that, I guarantee you, lots of savvy teachers will be eagerly sharing with students as part of the process of teaching creative writing." -- Richie Partington MLIS, Richie's Picks "What a CLEVER, CLEVER story!" -- I Love to Read and Write Reviews "This clever adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood has so many levels of creativity and learning... Every elementary teacher should have this book to begin their writing units." -- Play on Words "Style, humor, and solid writing advice." --Publishers Weekly, starred review "So rich in words and wry humor-written and visual-that one reading just isn't enough." --School Library Journal, starred review "Every writers' group should start with this story." --Kirkus Reviews, starred review "Every elementary teacher should have this book to begin their writing units." -- Play on Words "An easy, winning prompt for beginning writers to abandon their fears and take up pencils of their own." --Booklist

Author Joan Holub

I graduated from college in Texas with a fine arts degree, and then freelanced as an art director at a graphic design firm for eight years. I dreamed of working in children’s books, so I moved to New York City and became associate art director in Scholastic trade books, where I designed books for children and worked with editors and illustrators. It was a great job. I illustrated my first published children’s book in 1992 and soon began illustrating full time. I began completing manuscripts and mailing them out to publishers in the early 1990s. In 1996, I sold my first two manuscripts — Boo Who? A Spooky Lift-the-Flap Book (Scholastic) and Pen Pals (Grosset & Dunlap). Yippee! Now I write full time and have written and/or illustrated over 130 children’s books. Creating books that entertain, inform, and interest children (and me) is a fabulous job that I truly love.  


BookBlast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 10/15/13   Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

To Steal a Highlanders Heart by Samantha Holt

To Steal A Highlander's Heart.Release Day Banner 


Alana sets eyes on Morgann for the first time in several years and what does he do? He captures her! But Alana refuses to go meekly with the sexy Highland warrior. Her kidnapping will reignite the rift that’s existed between the two clans since her father accused Morgann of theft and she doesn’t want to see her father harmed in the inevitable war that will ensue. Unfortunately for Alana, the faeries seek to interfere with her plans to escape. The sidhe have a debt to repay and Tèile, the green faery, is determined to mend the rift between the clans for good. And that means ensuring Alana and Morgann marry. Morgann has his own reasons for taking Alana and they are nothing to do with marriage or war. He wants to use her to reveal a secret from the past, the one that had him accused of theft. If only he didn’t find his childhood friend so attractive. When circumstances force them together, Alana’s life is threatened and war is imminent. Can Morgann reveal the truth without losing Alana? And will the faeries meddling help or hinder his cause?

Meet the Author 

SamanthaHoltAuthorSmallSamantha resides in Warwickshire, England with her twin girls and husband. She's a romance addict and has been devouring all kinds of romance for as long as she can remember. Having studied archaeology, Samantha likes to blend her love of the past with her passion for romance to create thrilling and passionate tales set to medieval backdrops. She thinks there's nothing sexier than a rugged warrior and a feisty maiden falling head over heels for each other.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Black Swamp Mysteries by P.M. Terrell Blog Tour

Character Bio:

Brenda Carnegie has a secret… many secrets, as it turns out.

Separated from her older sister Vicki Boyd when their parents were killed in an airplane accident, Brenda grew up in Robeson County, North Carolina. She is equally at home trudging through alligator-infested swamps as she is shooting a gun, tending a bullet wound, evading police—and committing computer crimes.

Brenda is an opportunist, especially when it comes to hacking into websites and secure databases, participating in shell companies and cybercrime, and amassing a fortune that must, for her own preservation, be held in off-shore accounts and out of the reach of the United States government. She’s quick, she’s street savvy, and she’s often sexually charged.

She also doesn’t trust anyone. She prefers the dark side, living life on the edge, moving through her life alone and capable of changing her plans on a moment’s notice. She has a very high tolerance for pain which holds her in good stead on many a gritty occasion.

She made her first appearance in Exit 22 when her partner-in-crime is murdered by a hired assassin—and the hitman comes after her. But her real secrets begin to spill in Secrets of a Dangerous Woman—secrets that reach to the highest levels of government and beyond, and which could very well get her killed.

And if the Black Swamp Mysteries series was made into a movie, who would play Brenda Carnegie? My pick would be Lindsay Lohan, who could play this bad girl very well.

Christopher Sandige is an anti-hero, a guy who is more at ease behind a desk constructing political strategies for his Congressman boss than he is running for his life through alligator-infested swamps with Brenda Carnegie.

He told himself he didn’t want a woman, a marriage, a typical family life in the suburbs. His hours were long and often began with coffee at his desk and ended with pizza delivery to the office. All that changed when he met Brenda.

The woman awakened in him desires he didn’t think he had—a longing to be with her, a need for romance, a desire for intimacy, an urge to protect her—even when he knew she was quite capable of protecting herself. He’d never really had eyes for anybody other than Brenda and though he knows she is dangerous, he can’t seem to tear himself away from her.

When push comes to shove, it turns out he is quite capable of handling a gun, of fighting off an attacker in hand-to-hand combat, of working in a team that often finds itself at the wrong end of a barrel… and of crossing the line without a look back.

If the Black Swamp Mysteries series was made into a movie, who would I want to play him? My pick would be Tom Weston-Jones.

Vicki Boyd had a normal, happy childhood until the day her parents died in an airplane accident—one she saw weeks before it happened. Overnight, she and her three siblings—a younger sister and two younger brothers—were orphaned and placed into foster care. And overnight, she received national attention for her premonitions.

Not just the media and fascinated public were watching. The CIA was watching as well; specifically Sam Mazoli, the supervisor of an office working with psychic spies. For the first time, he had an opportunity to take a child and mold her into a psychic operative. So when Vicki arrived home from school one day, she found a strange man waiting for her; a man who had adopted her but brought her to an imposing, secure facility resembling an institution. During her teen years, she didn’t have school and girlfriends, proms and boyfriends, and her thoughts didn’t range from getting the keys to the car to hanging out at the mall.

Her teens and early twenties were spent learning how to be the best psychic spy the CIA had ever employed. With just a simple latitude and longitude, she could travel in her mind to any location on Earth, providing information to operatives on nuclear facilities, threats to governments, blueprints of enemy weapons—or anything the CIA wanted but couldn’t physically reach.

But when she is sent on a mission deep in the Amazon jungles and it results in the deaths of innocent children, she’s had enough. She quits the CIA and is determined to start life over in a small town helping an elderly lady who advertised for summer help. It’s her first chance on her own, but she isn’t alone for long… Between Irishman Dylan Maguire and the CIA, who refuse to let her go, she’s in for the ride of her life.

And if the series was made into a movie, I would love to see Amy Adams in the role of Vicki Boyd.

Dylan Maguire never had a normal childhood. Though his parents were from Ireland, he was born in New York. Unfortunately, he never met his father—he’d abandoned his pregnant wife and simply disappeared. Unable to provide for her son and herself in a strange country, his mother packed them up and brought Dylan back to Ireland when he was just three years old. In and out of bars and with dubious pastimes, his mother wasn’t a mother to him at all.

Dylan was raised by his grandmother, a woman he called Mam. She was the only family he’d ever known—that and the home of his neighbor and best friend, Thomas Rowan.

Dylan has a mysterious past when he arrives on Laurel Maguire’s doorstep the summer that Vicki also arrives to help Laurel with her freshwater angelfish business. He seems to be a jack-of-all-trades, from teaching Vicki the angelfish business to remodeling the old, rambling—and haunted—house, to cooking up traditional Irish meals and looking after Vicki.

He is a hopeless romantic who makes CD’s with all his favorite romantic songs… To taking Vicki on an intimate boat ride down the natural and secluded Lumber River… To picnics in the park and romantic, candlelight dinners.

He is also capable of violence—of defending what is his and of killing when the need arises. He is an opportunist; a former kickboxing champion, a man known as “The Butcher” who channels his anger into his fists and feet.

If the Black Swamp Mysteries series was made into a movie, who would I want to play Dylan Maguire? Assuming he could play the role with an Irish accent, Eduardo Verastegui is a dead ringer.

There was never any doubt in my mind who would play Sam Mazoli, the head of the psychic spy program for the CIA, Vicki’s boss—and also the man who adopted her—as well as Dylan Maguire’s boss.

I always pictured Robert De Niro when I thought of Sam. Sam is brusque, no-nonsense, the kind of boss that you don’t joke around with and you don’t even attempt to take liberties. He is experienced, jaded, a cynic and a skeptic. He also has an eye for talent, whether it’s taking a 12-year-old girl with psychic abilities and turning her into a spy—or recognizing the opportunistic, chameleon-like qualities of an Irishman who can pretend to be someone else.

There is much to Sam just below the surface but carefully hidden lest people discover his true nature. He can make life-or-death decisions, interrogate suspects, turn a blind eye to torture, and appear bored even during the most sensitive and gut-wrenching missions. But he can also rescue a cat down-on-her-luck, care for angelfish and their babies, recognize an illegal immigrant’s dilemma and give her a job, and help care for a dog who needs a friend.

Sam first appears in Vicki’s Key and continues through the rest of the series, sometimes making life difficult for everyone involved, sometimes lending a hand when it’s least expected… and always arriving with a new CIA mission in hand.

Book Info-

Title- Exit 22
Series- Black Swamp Mysteries Book #1
By- P.M. Terrell


 Political strategist Christopher Sandige is driving along Interstate 95 in North Carolina when he is involved in a one-car accident. Stranded for the weekend, he meets a beautiful but mysterious woman and is immediately pulled into a double homicide. Now he’s on the run from law enforcement—and a hired assassin. As he falls deeper for Brenda Carnegie, he begins to
wonder if she is the killer. As he pieces everything together and comes closer to the truth—time
runs out.


Can you share the playlist you listened to while writing Exit 22 with us? 

I would love to share that with you, but I actually have a habit of not listening to music while I am working. I found that subconsciously, anything I listen to can make its way into my writing—whether it’s a turn of phrase or the pacing of a song.
So when I am writing, I want total silence. I can then close my eyes and conjure up the image that I need to have—and write without subliminal messages from other media interfering.

Book Info-

Title- Vicki’s Key
Series- Black Swamp Mysteries Book # 2 
By- P.M. Terrell


 Following a flawed CIA mission, Vicki Boyd leaves the CIA to begin a new life in a new 
town assisting an elderly woman. But when she arrives, she finds Laurel Maguire has suffered a 
stroke and her nephew has arrived from Ireland to care for her. Vicki quickly falls in love with 
the charming Dylan Maguire, but all is not what it seems to be at Aunt Laurel’s house. And when 
the CIA arrive to recruit Vicki for one last mission, she finds her past and her future are about to 
collide… In murder.



Vicki found herself in Dylan’s bedroom as if she was a phantom hovering in the far corner. 
She could see her own body sound asleep, curled into a ball under the covers. As her eyes
roamed around the room, she found her pocketbook on the coffee table, the contents strewn, her 
driver’s license and CIA identification in plain view.

Her heart began pounding so hard it left her breathless. She turned back to the bed, where her 
body lay still and quiet. Dylan was no longer curled up behind her, keeping her warm. He was 
sitting on the floor beside the bed, watching her sleep, dressed in jeans and a cotton shirt. At his 
feet, laid across the floor, was the newspaper article of her parents’ plane accident.

And standing just behind him was an elderly woman with tightly curled hair, dressed in 
a sheer gown that reached to tiny feet that were so frail, the skin so thin, that they appeared 
almost translucent. As Vicki watched, she leaned over Dylan’s shoulder and glowered at Vicki’s 
sleeping body with opalescent eyes. Her red hair almost appeared to be exploding in angry 
flames as she screamed at the still body.

“Run!” she screamed in a voice so shrill and so loud that the sound sent a wave of terror 
through Vicki’s soul. “Run!”

Book Info-

Title- Secrets of a Dangerous Woman
Series- Black Swamp Mysteries Book # 3
By- P.M. Terrell 


Irishman Dylan Maguire is back and in his first assignment with the CIA, he must interrogate recently captured Brenda Carnegie. But when she escapes again, it’s obvious that she’s had help from within the CIA’s own ranks. Psychic spy Vicki Boyd assists him in locating 
her again—but when he discovers Brenda’s true identity, he realizes his mission has just become very personal.


Book Info-

Title- Dylan’s Song 
Series- Black Swamp Mysteries Book #4 
By- P.M. Terrell


Dylan Maguire returns to his native Ireland with psychic spy Vicki Boyd. Their mission: to locate and extract a missing CIA operative. But when Dylan receives word that his grandmother is dying, his mission plunges him into a past he thought he’d turned his back on forever. Now he must confront his past before it results in murder. And as Vicki discovers the real reason he left Ireland, she is harboring a secret of her own.


About the Author-

p.m.terrell is the internationally acclaimed, award-winning author of more than 18 books, including Vicki's Key, a 2012 International Book Awards and 2012 USA Best Book Awards finalist and River Passage, winner of the 2010 Best Drama Award. A full-time writer since 2002, p.m. previously founded and operated two computer companies with a specialty in computer crime and computer intelligence. Her clients included the CIA, United States Secret Service and the Department of Defense as well as local law enforcement agencies. Her expertise in computers and intelligence often finds its way into her books. She is also the co-founder of The Book 'Em Foundation and founder and chair of The Book 'Em North Carolina Writers Conference and Book Fair, which raises money to increase literacy rates. As a hobby, she raises freshwater angelfish - the same thing her characters do as their front for the CIA.

 For more information about p.m.terrell, visit and for more information on the upcoming Writers Conference, visit


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Miranda's Mate by Ann Gimpel

Miranda’s Mate
By Ann Gimpel

Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
ISBN: 978-1-62210-021-7
Release Date: 8/5/13
50,000 words
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Work for The Company is nothing if not covert. Miranda’s life is on the line. Will Garen risk exposure to save her?

Book Description:

As an agent for an international security firm, Miranda has her hands full. Between secretly lusting after her boss, Garen, and making sure the dirty little secret about her double life as a wolf shifter remains hidden, she’s still a virgin at nearly thirty.

Sent to eliminate the head of a human trafficking organization in Amsterdam, she barely escapes with her life. Injured, frightened, and under attack the second her private jet lands in the U.S., she doesn’t know where to turn.

Garen’s been watching Miranda just as surreptitiously as she’s been eying him. Unfortunately, the fact that she works for him is a showstopper. Plus, Garen has a few secrets of his own that have kept him single. He’s frantic once he discovers his oldest friend is besotted with Miranda, too. When she insists on heading up a covert operation, he’s worried sick, but can’t come up with a plausible reason to stop her.

Miranda’s life is on the line. Will Garen risk exposure to save her?


…Garen threw caution to the winds. He clicked off his headset and tossed it into the next seat. His cock pressed mercilessly against the front of his pants; he could barely breathe he wanted Miranda so much. His wolf was nigh onto uncontrollable. It howled and snarled deep inside him. Garen forced it back. The last thing he needed was for fur or claws to sprout and ruin everything.
He could smell Miranda’s lust with his enhanced senses. She was so aroused, she was on the verge of coming. Strands of dark hair curled around her face. Her face was splotchy with excitement. Her blue eyes glowed warmly. Years of repressed desire slashed through him. He moved to the seat next to her and slid a hand between her legs. She moaned and pressed into him.
Possessiveness sounded an exultant note behind his breastbone. She wasn’t going to fight him. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her. He lowered his head and covered her mouth with his. She opened hers and sucked hungrily on his tongue. His cock throbbed. She wasn’t the only one on the edge of coming.
He felt her fingers on the fastenings of his pants, and then her hands closed around his shaft. He wanted to do everything to her. Kiss her, lick her, suckle her incredible breasts, and run his mouth down her body to settle on her clit. All those things would have to wait. What mattered now was getting inside her. He yanked her headset off and reached for her pants, delighted to find they had an elastic waistband.
The logical part of his brain was nearly obliterated with passion, but it reminded him she needed at least one leg free of her pants, which meant one shoe off. Reluctantly, he broke away from their embrace and pried her fingers off his cock.
“What?” Her voice was muzzy with need. “You started this. Come back here, goddammit.”
He laughed. God, but it felt good to laugh and hold Miranda in his arms. “Patience, darling. I just need to get one of your pant legs out of the way. Then you can straddle me.”
Between the two of them, they managed to unlace a boot and jimmy one of her legs out of her pants. He folded the chairs’ armrests out of the way, settled his hands on her hips, and helped her kneel above him. When she lowered herself so the heat of her surrounded him, he gasped. Sensation so intense it set every nerve on fire lanced through him. Her muscles clenched around his cock and held on. Hard nipples pressed against his chest. He thrust upward and his balls tightened.
“Sorry, darling. I’m not going to last long.” He moved a hand between them and rubbed her swollen clit.
Her muscles milked him. Her teeth sank into his shoulder. He could tell from her rhythmic movements and the tension in her nub she was coming. Garen let himself go. He’d imagined coming inside Miranda forever, and now it was finally happening. He growled low in the back of his throat as his semen arced into her.
He moved his hands to the sides of her face and kissed her long and deep. She turned her head, captured the fingers that had just been rubbing her, and licked them clean. It was so erotic, his cock throbbed where it was still buried deep in her pussy.
She wriggled out of his grasp, reached for the napkin wrapped around the beer bottle, and stuffed it between her legs before she pulled her underwear and pants back into place. Her face was a gorgeous, rosy hue. He started to tell her how lovely she was when she said, “Sorry. I’m sorry about that. Didn’t mean to. You’re my boss. I understand what we did was wrong. Don’t worry, I won’t let my, uh, my, well, whatever it was, get out of control again. I’m going into the head to clean up. We should probably have used a condom. I have an IUD, but still—”
“Whoa.” He held up a hand. Garen was having a hard time with the transition from a sexual high to a we-shouldn’t-have-done-this conversation. “I enjoyed making love with you, Miranda. You’re an amazing—”
She shook her head. “No. It was a mistake. It won’t happen again. I promise. You caught me at a weak moment.” She pushed past him and headed for the rear of the aircraft.
Garen shoved his still half-hard cock back into his pants and zipped up. A leaden deadness settled around his heart. She may have had sex with him, but Miranda didn’t care about him. The post-coital conversation he’d thought they’d have was considerably different. He bit down hard on his disappointment. Better if he went back to the cockpit. That way she wouldn’t have to look at him when she came back from the john.
What could they possibly have to say to one another beyond him apologizing for being swept off his feet by her lithe body and firm curves? No way could he tell her he truly cared about her. Not in light of the revulsion he’d seen mirrored in her face as she stammered through her regrets. She was obviously appalled by what she considered a weakness.
Garen picked up his headset and settled it into place before walking into the cockpit. He wasn’t certain just what he’d say to Lars. No way he’d be able to hide the lingering scent of sex. He latched the door and sat heavily. For a time neither of them said anything. Garen almost started to believe he could escape a conversation he’d assumed would be inevitable.
“I do not like to pry, but I could smell sex even through door.” Lars glanced at Garen with a knowing grin on his face. “How was she?”
Garen gritted his teeth. “Hot, passionate, delectable.” He inhaled, the air almost painful in his lungs. “But she doesn’t care about me. Said I caught her at a weak moment. Apologized all over the place and said it would never happen again.”
“Hmph. Well, it would be untrue if I said I were sorry.” Lars flicked the front of his pants. “Imagining the two of you fucking got me going. I will need to take care of myself before I escort the fair fraulein anywhere.” A hesitation. “I do not suppose there is any possibility the three of us could—”
“No.” Something about the vehemence in Garen’s tone earned him a penetrating look from Lars.
“Your airplane, my friend. I will be back.”
“Miranda couldn’t wait to get away from me. She might not be done in the head.”
“If she is not, I will wait. Unless you wish to watch me.”
“In a pig’s eye. Go.” Garen waved both hands at Lars. “It’s a good thing we’re friends. My tolerance for perverts is pretty limited.”
“You know you love me.” Lars blew a kiss and exited the cockpit.

About the Author 

Ann Gimpel is a mountaineer at heart. Recently retired from a long career as a psychologist, she remembers many hours at her desk where her body may have been stuck inside four walls, but her soul was planning yet one more trip to the backcountry. Around the turn of the last century (that would be 2000, not 1900!), she managed to finagle moving to the Eastern Sierra, a mecca for those in love with the mountains. It was during long backcountry treks that Ann’s writing evolved. Unlike some who see the backcountry as an excuse to drag friends and relatives along, Ann prefers her solitude. Stories always ran around in her head on those journeys, sometimes as a hedge against abject terror when challenging conditions made her fear for her life, sometimes for company. Eventually, she returned from a trip and sat down at the computer. Three months later, a five hundred page novel emerged. Oh, it wasn’t very good, but it was a beginning. And, she learned a lot between writing that novel and its sequel.
Around that time, a friend of hers suggested she try her hand at short stories. It didn’t take long before that first story found its way into print and they’ve been accepted pretty regularly since then. One of Ann’s passions has always been ecology, so her tales often have a green twist.
In addition to writing, Ann enjoys wilderness photography. She lugs pounds of camera equipment in her backpack to distant locales every year. A standing joke is that over ten percent of her pack weight is camera gear which means someone else has to carry the food! That someone is her husband. They’ve shared a life together for a very long time. Children, grandchildren and three wolf hybrids round out their family.
@AnnGimpel (for Twitter)

Schedule Miranda’s Mate By Ann Gimpel

August 8 review
Whit's Book World

August 14 Spotlight
Books Books and More Books

August 15 Spotlight
Kelly P's Blog

August 17 Interview
BookwormBridgette's World

August 21 Spotlight and review
The Eternal Scribe

August 29 Spotlight and review

September 3 Spotlight
Share My Destiny

September 4 Spotlight and review
Faerie Tale Books

September 5 Spotlight
Cloey's Book Reviews and Other Stuff

September 6 Interview and review
Ebook escapes

September 6 review
Literal Hotties Naughty Book Reviews

September 10 Spotlight
Books & Tales

September 10 Spotlight
Sapphyria's Book Reviews

September 13 Spotlight
Melissa Stevens

September 16 Interview
Froggarita's Bookcase

September 16 review
A Bibliophiles Thoughts on Books

September 17 Interview
Musings and Ramblings

September 17 Spotlight
Larissa and Friends' Bookish Life –

September 18 interview and review 
Victoria's Gossip

September 18 Spotlight and review
Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess

September 19 Spotlight
Reviewing in Chaos

September 24 Spotlight and review
Sun Mountain Reviews

September 25 Spotlight and review
Let’s Start Saving Now –
Book Worm & More

September 27 Spotlight
Rose & Beps Blog –

Sept 29 Spotlight and review
Dalene’s Book Reviews

September 30 Spotlight (review)
The Official Blog of A.C. James

My Review:  August 2013   ~ Review Copies ~

Miranda's Mate (The Company Store #1)Miranda's Mate by Ann Gimpel
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

First, I would like to thank the author Ann Gimpel for giving me this book for an honest review. Although this was a short read, I enjoyed the story. I would have like to have more, especially about the characters and some of the action background. I look forward to reading more of this series.

View all my reviews