He’d been her friend for years. He said he loved her. Then she realised she didn’t know him at all…
When everything seemed to be falling apart in Sophie’s life, she was thankful for her friend Kas, who was always at the end of a phone, ready to listen and to offer comfort and advice.
Her father’s cold dislike of her and then her parents’ divorce had left her with a deep distrust of men. But, gradually, Kas made her believe there was at least one man who truly cared about her.
But she was wrong.
At first when Sophie went to stay for a few days with Kas in Italy, he was kind and caring, as he’d always been. But three days after she arrived, everything changed.
His eyes were cold as he described the things he expected her to do ‘for love’. But soon Sophie’s bewilderment turned to fear as he punched and shouted at her and threatened to kill her adored younger brothers if she didn’t do exactly as she was told…to sell her body on the streets to pay off Kas’s debts.
Terrified of Kas, the police and the men whose pleasures she was forced to satisfy, Sophie worked seven nights a week for the next six months on the dark and lonely streets of a town in northern Italy.
Subjected regularly to Kas’s verbal, mental and physical abuse, she knew she would never escape.
And then, one day, after she’d been admitted to hospital with stomach pains – and knowing that Kas would kill her if he found out – she dared to phone her mother.
But who would reach her first?
My Review: August 2013

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
First, I would like to thank Netgalley for this book to read for an honest review. This book is not a work of fiction so cannot nor should not be reviewed as you would a work of fiction. My five star comes from this woman has the strength to share her story with the world, even those that would criticize and say I would have done this I would have done that. The truth is no one knows what they would do in the situation until they are in it. I know abuse, physical, mental, and verbal, I have survived them all, and to be honest, even the verbal abuse her father threw at her as a child set her up as easy prey for this lunatic. Things like that do affect the self esteem, and its does not say I enjoy being dominated. People who are not survivors of abuse have odd ideas about what a person wants or they think a person wants just because they did not do or react the way they believe they should have. I wasn't trafficked but abuse is abuse and it don't matter walk of life you come from it can happen to the person you least expect it to. I feel for anyone who can survive abuse in any form and learn to live and move past it as best they can. Thank you Sophie for sharing your story with us.
View all my reviews
Trafficked: My Story of Surviving, Escaping and
Transcending Abduction into Prostitution
By Sophie Hayes | September 3 | Sourcebooks
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Reader’s Bookstuff
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